L.I.F.E. Groups
Monthly rhythms for small groups
Like four wheels on a car, we believe healthy L.I.F.E. Groups engage in all four rhythms on a regular basis.
To help those who are far from God find RealLife in Christ.
Our RL Groups are built upon four different pillars. We call these the ABCDs:
People can depend on their RL Group to be consistent. Whether we host, lead, or attend —people can count on us.
We value people. Anyone who attends a RL Group will experience an environment where they are wanted, welcomed, and seen. We don’t do criticism; we opt for compassion.
We have fun. RL Groups are not intended to be boring. We commit to having fun outside our regular meeting times and make it a point to share real life together.
We set an example for what it looks like to experience Real Life in Christ. To do this, we commit to our L.I.F.E. model on a monthly basis.
Every month, RL Groups will experience Real Life in Christ
in four distinct ways.
Using the acronym L.I.F.E., our model is built around the four basic activities of being with Jesus together:
What do you mean by monthly rhythm?
To experience real life in Christ, we need to engage God and others the way that Jesus did.
When we observe Jesus’ life, we see that He makes each of these four things a priority in his life.

Why four rhythms?
At RealLife, we have two kinds of Groups: Short or long term.
Whether you lead a short-term or a long-term Group, we desire both to embrace the 4-rhythms of RL. This creates unity and continuity across our Groups system.
For the far-off and the found
A RL Group is more than a consistent connection for friendship and community (which is fantastic); they are also intentional times for personal and spiritual growth with Jesus.
How to structure rhythms within a group:

Many groups participate in sermon discussion, Bible studies, or find group resources on the Anthology app.

We believe in sharing meals and building relationships with people in any stage of their faith journey.

Apply what you are learning and practice spiritual disciplines

We encourage our Groups to serve each other and their community in a variety of ways.

One of the fastest and most reliable ways to experience real life in Christ is to study what the Bible says about who God is. That is why this is a consistent monthly rhythm for all our Groups. We offer three solid ways to learn about Jesus. For one, many groups use the Sunday sermon as a basis for discussion and study of scripture. Bible studies and Christian book studies are another powerful way to learn about God’s Word. Finally, the Anthology app (anthology.study) is full of great studies geared for L.I.F.E. groups. These studies come with videos and discussion questions ready to go!

One of the most profound and simple ways to experience real life in Christ is to share a meal together. Jesus ate with all kinds of people; most often, he ate with those others wouldn’t associate with. We want to be the kind of church that shares meals with believers and unbelievers. The INVEST rhythm does not have to be limited to your Group participants; this can also be the one time a month you invite new people to the area or the church to join you for a meal. (Note: You are welcome to share a meal every week, just not less than once a month.)

We must practice following in Jesus’ footsteps to experience real life in Christ. Applying what we have learned is critical to having a vibrant walk with God.
We have two ways to do this:
1) You can utilize the “Next Steps” on the blue card each week for the current sermon.
2) If you are familiar with spiritual practices, use Practicing the Way’s Prayer Guide or develop your plan using THIS LIST of options. Either of these options, when done regularly, enable new and old believers to grow in their faith.

Every month we encourage our Groups to serve their community. This can look a lot of different ways. If you need ideas, here are a few:
- Under the EVENTS tab, our RealImpact team will post current or ongoing service opportunities on our app (app store: reallifencw).
- Nominate a new person every month from within your Group and serve them. This can look like weeding their garden, babysitting their kids, fixing a broken faucet, paying an outstanding bill, attending a special event, cleaning out their garage, or simply asking them how they would want to spend that time.
- You can choose a cause in the community and ask them if you can serve regularly.