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Our Sunday services are too big to build meaningful community

And honestly, that’s not even our Sunday goal. So how do we stay faithful to God’s call to reach out and make room for everyone, but still be able to connect in a more relational setting for community? Through RealLife Groups.

Summer Groups Launch Sunday, June 2

Winter On Ramp Groups Launch was a great success!

We had over 100 people join groups and added 14 new eight-week groups!

On Ramp Groups are designed to give you a positive, short term LIFE Group experience and model Group leadership by experienced facilitators. Groups will be following our new “LIFE” rhythm, which stands for Learn, Invest, Follow and Engage. For more information, you can check out our RealLife app or contact Groups Directors, Sarah Barnes or Megan Johnson.

We have also added an “Always Open On Ramp Group” that will meet every other week year round. This means there is always a group available and you will never need to wait until our next launch to get connected.

To see times and dates current group offerings, click the button below:

The Philosophy

We model ourselves like the first century church by having a large group celebration once a week (Sundays), and then gathering in smaller groups during the week for real growth…kinda like the way Jesus did with the people He hung out with. 

These groups are a great way to meet new friends, have a good time, make a difference in the community and grow in your relationship with God. You’ll find people who are friendly but not manic, spiritual but not obnoxious. These are folks who don’t take themselves too seriously, but want to make the most out of life.


Sarah Barnes
Megan Johnson