Welcome to Virtual Rondayvoo! As you may know, we are transitioning to meeting online with students. We are going to do this in two ways: Zoom meetings and YouTube Live Streams. I want to give you a brief introduction into setting up an account for your student.
YouTube – Weekly Rondayvoo Meetings
Our weekly youth group meetings will take place on YouTube Live. In order to join in, go to our youth group YouTube page and click the video link when it is live. If you would like to comment on the video, you will need to make a YouTube account which requires a Gmail email account.
Zoom – Small Group Meetings
This is where we many of our small groups will meet. Hosts, I will have full access to mute students’ video or audio, allow students to join the group, and the group will end when I exit the meeting. It is a safe way for our group to meet and allows us to continue to build our community.
To Join on Phone:
1. Follow the link sent out via text that says, “Join Meeting.”
2. The link will prompt you to download Zoom. You do not need an account to join. There will be a prompt to put your name in once the meeting starts.
3. Once downloaded, click the “Join Meeting” button and enter in our meeting ID found in the mass text, OR, re-click the link sent out via mass text, then click “Join Meeting.”
4. This will lead you to the meeting and place you in the Waiting Room until the host admits you into the video meeting.
To Join on Computer:
1. Follow the link sent out via our email or on the Instagram page that says, “Join Meeting.”
2. A tab will open up and a download will start for the Zoom program.
3. Once downloaded, a screen will pop up to prompt you to allow video and audio. Click “allow.”
4. This will lead you to the meeting and place you in the Waiting Room until the host admits you into the video meeting.
• All downloads are free, and you do not need to make an account if you do not want to. All you need is the link for the meeting.
• Please make sure you are able to use the audio on your device.
• You may need to manually give the app permission in your phone settings.
Stay safe, friends!
Graham Monteleone